2022 yılının 8 ayında, Antalya Paket Tur pazarında lider % 15 payla TUI Grubu oldu. Onu % 10 dolayındaki paylarla FTI-MPI, Odeon ve Anex grupları izledi.

In 8 months of 2022, TUI Group became the leader in the Antalya Package Tour market with a 15% share. FTI-MPI, Odeon and Anex groups followed with 10% shares.

Leaders of 2022 in Package Tour Market

According to the analysis of Tourism Databank, the tourism statistics center, in the January-August period of 2022, TUI Group became the leader in the Antalya Package Tour market with a market share of 15%. With equal shares of around 10%; FTI-MPI, Odeon and Anex groups followed suit.

Anex, the Leader in the Russian Package Market

While 8 months of development continued in Antalya’s two main markets, Germany and Russia, Germany caught 2019, but Russia was left behind.
Anex Group took the first place in the Russian package tour market with a share of 28 percent. Odeon and Pegas groups followed with 22 percent shares. TUI had a 15% share. In 2022, nearly 1.5 million Russian tourists came to Antalya with package tours.

FTI Leading in the German Package Market

FTI-MPI Group took the first place in the German package tour market with a share of 27%. TUI group followed with 15 percent share. Der Tours and Schaunsland also took 8-9 percent of the market. It was followed by Alltours-Lock G., VTours-Novanta and Anex. In 2022, 1.9 million German tourists came to Antalya with package tours.