Sekiz ayda en çok turist 3,8 milyonla Almanya’dan geldi. Onu,3,0 milyonu aşan Rusya izledi. Üçüncülüğü, 2,3 milyonla İngiltere aldı.

In the January-August period of 2022, the number of foreign tourists visiting Turkey increased by 108.4% and exceeded 29.3 million. Turkey reached 31 million in the same period of 2019.

Turkey Hosted 29.3 Million Tourists in 8 Months

According to the data of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the number of foreign tourists visiting Turkey in the January-August period of 2022 increased by 108.4% and exceeded 29.3 million. Turkey reached 31 million in 2019.

In eight months, the most tourists came from Germany with 3.8 million. It was followed by Russia, which exceeded 3.0 million. England took third place with 2.3 million. The Netherlands, Iraq, Poland and France followed Iran, which reached 1.5 million.

Number of foreign tourists coming to Turkey

OCAK1 539 496 509 7871 281 666
ŞUBAT1 670 238 537 9761 541 393
MART2 232 358 905 3232 079 565
NİSAN3 293 176 790 6872 574 423
MAYIS4 022 254 936 2823 873 212
HAZİRAN5 318 9842 047 5965 014 821
TEMMUZ6 617 3804 360 9526 665 129
AĞUSTOS6 307 5083 982 168 6 304 443