Akdeniz’in en çok turist alan 4 destinayonları içinde, turist gecelemesinde Türkiye, İtalya’yı geçerek ikinci oldu.

Among the 4 destinations in the Mediterranean that received the most tourists in the 7 months of 2022, Turkey overtook Italy in the number of overnight stays, ranking second.

Turkey 2nd in Tourist Overnight

Among the 4 destinations in the Mediterranean that receive the most tourists, Turkey overtook Italy in the number of overnight stays and became the second. According to the analysis made by Tourism Databank, the tourism statistics center, Spain ranked first in the 7-month period of 2022. Turkey is the only country where tourist overnight stays exceeded 2019.

Tourist overnight stays in 2022

Turkey was the only country to exceed 2019 in terms of foreign tourist overnight stays with 4.1 million. Overnight stays according to 2019; It was lower at 17 million in Spain, 21 million in Italy and 10 million in France.

Increase/decrease in foreign tourist overnight stays, million